Security Awareness is a way for all members of a team Working at a residential building, office tower or a hub of buildings; to be aware of security threats. This includes physical and other threats. Sensitive material or Physical assets need to be protected and having all aware of potential security threats is vital in this endeavor.
A big part of this process is knowing that all who have access to closed office towers or other type of properties, are approved and have proper clearance. In this case we are talking about contractors in a building with proper security badges. There is hardly anything wrong with tenants approaching people who they are not sure of, if those people don’t look harmful or mentally ill, but safety should always be kept in mind prior to approaching anyone who look suspicious, alerting onsite security officer is the best approach in this case.
There are lots of ways that criminals try to sneak into a building to steal. Sometimes individuals may wear a high visibility vest which typically indicates a worker doing his job. Lately, a lot of undesirables have taken to getting these vests to wear and this can allow for them to slip by unnoticed if we aren’t paying attention. This awareness can do a lot to keep the people and the property safe.
Along with this, whenever anyone sees something that seems not right or any incidents such as damaged door locks, broken windows, door wedged open or strange people wandering through parking areas they should report it to the security on site or police.
Other strange suspicious situations can include an abandoned bag somewhere on the property. Again, this needs to be reported immediately for the safety of everyone. In this case, police could very likely get involved if this seems like a suspicious package.
Another issue to be aware of in a commercial property is when leaving your building for the day, make sure you do not let people come in, as you leave. Any entrants to the building should have an access card or a fob and they should use their own access device to get in, instead of following you.
For intruders, this is probably one of the easiest ways to access buildings as people tend to be in a hurry to leave at the end of the day and pay less attention to security and what is happening around them. Another trick criminals use to enter a building is; they go in while the building is open during the day and hide in washrooms or stairwells. Once again reporting strange activities is vital for safety.
A big part of security awareness is understanding ways that people try to circumvent security protocols and not get caught. Paying attention and being aware of these possibilities helps keep the building and people safe. Security awareness should be an ongoing process. Employees and tenants should be reminded of the importance of this issue. RedMark security is a leader in the industry in creating security awareness.
All visitors to a building or office tower should be able to defend their reason for being on the property especially if this property is closed when they are discovered. Contractors should be signed in with a id badge. Any other visitors should be there with tenants realistically for most of their time in the building. Being aware and talking to those who seem out of place goes a long way towards security awareness.