Crisis management is a vital part of protecting your people and property. RedMark Security leads the industry in preparing business for crisis that may occur. This kind of protection and preparation can make a huge difference in safety for your business.
What kind of crisis’s are we talking about?
There are a few, we would like to review today.
First, we will discuss Bomb Threats. These have become more common in the last 20 years or so. Having a plan in place to counter-act bomb threats can make a big difference. Security Guards on the property can do a lot in these situations. Properly trained officers can take quick actions when a bomb threat gets called in. Security Guards will be able to contact police; while also taking down as much info as possible. While on the phone they can listen to hear background noise to get a sense of where the person might be. Even the speech and demeanour of the caller can be an asset for the police to address this threat as quickly as possible. Keeping the caller on the phone and asking questions buys time for the police and also the person may slip up and give information they didn’t plan to. The more information that can be retrieved from the caller; the better for shutting down the threat.
Another crisis that can affect businesses is civil disturbances. In most cases this would be a protest of some sort. Once again, having physical security on site can help. Even if viewing the incident from inside the officer can see very important information to help know how to proceed. The big issue that a guard would like to watch out for is: Whether this is peaceful or violent. If the crowd has any weapons or anything that can be used to damage property, this can be passed along. Frequently the group will carry signs that indicate what (Ex.- Law, Incident) or who (Ex.- Person, Party) they are protesting against. This can also be invaluable in knowing how to proceed. If the crowd appears to be peaceful, a representative such as a security officer or their supervisor could find out from a group leader about how long they plan on straying. This doesn’t always work but sometimes they want to demonstrate and then move on once they feel that their point had been made.
Union strikes also fall under the category of civil disturbance and this is frequently a long process depending on the bargaining between parties. Having a plan to deal with this is important and security is a vital cog in executing this.
Finally, there is the possibility of an active assailant. In the case of any violent person, the safest thing to do is to call the police and the building occupants are advised to either stay where they are or find cover. Having a plan to keep everyone safe is prudent in protecting people and property.
All of these incidents can have less of an impact if there is a plan in place. RedMark Security can put together a plan and help you keep your property and people safe and secure.